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Tuesday, December 10, 2013

Netezza ISNUMERIC Data Check Logic

by Unknown  |  in DB at  2:33 AM

Netezza dosen't have any isnumeric check function, so in order to find out whether the column has non-numeric, use the following logic


if the column has non numeric then it will return 1 else it will be 0, I haven't included the special characters in the logic, if you have '%,$,£..' then include them in the translate part and it will work

One of our visitor posted the following method

istrue(length(translate(Column_Name,'0123456789',''))=0) as isnumeric

If the resulting length is zero then it is numeric, or the string was empty. If the latter is a possibility then you could add another check

istrue(length(translate(Column_Name,'0123456789',''))=0 and length(Column_Name)>0) as isnumeric


  1. Thanks! exactly what i was looking for. Works perfect.

  2. Flipping Dinix's function on it's head we can remove the numbers instead and then count what's left.

    istrue(length(translate(Column_Name,'0123456789',''))=0) as isnumeric

    If the resulting length is zero then it is numeric, or the string was empty. If the latter is a possibility then you could add another check

    istrue(length(translate(Column_Name,'0123456789',''))=0 and length(Column_Name)>0) as isnumeric

    This way you do not need to worry about which special characters to include.

  3. This is good one, I will update my post with it


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