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Wednesday, July 22, 2015

Data Warehouse Testing

by Unknown  |  in DW at  5:24 PM

                                Testing in data warehouse(DW) is always consider to be an time consuming and teddies process , it requires good understating of the data modeling which we are testing and good understanding of underlying data and business requirement .DW Testing broken into smaller strategies

ETL Phase:-
                ETL phase is the most important area where source data get transferred into Target data by implementing business logic, care must be given to test it thoroughly and make sure functional testing needs to be carried out for all transformation logic implemented.

Historic Data Load/ Daily Data Load/Performance Testing:
                Historic data load make sure that the system is caught up with current data and it’s ready to accept new upcoming data, testing needs to make sure that the new system is in sync with existing database/system.
                The daily data load testing ensure that the system is getting loaded properly on time and no impact to the business, performance testing will be conducted to ensure that the system is capable of processing multiple files and loads data on time.

Regressing Testing:-
                Regressing testing should be conducted when you have new feeds coming into the system/changes to existing logic/defect fixing to ensure that new updates have not broken any existing functionality

Best Practices:-
1)      Focus on data quality
2)      Identify critical business functionality
3)      Identity performance bottle necks
4)      Identify key business components for frequent regression testing

Testing Tools:
                There are no standard DW testing tools available in the market, it’s get done manually in most of the cases. Having said that, QuerySurge has come up in the market and it promised be an automated testing tool for DW testing.

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